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Nnanoweapons: insect sized robots more dangerous than nukes

There is a new arms race quietly begun, according to physicist Louis del Monte - he made the statement that ‘nanoweapons’, tiny robots the size of insects, are far more dangerous than nuclear.
Nnanoweapons: insect sized robots more dangerous than nukes

He claims that superpowers are already secretly working on such weapons – and that there is a one in 20 chance they will wipe out the human race by 2100.
More alarmingly, if terrorists may be able to get their hands on insect-sized robots – they could use it to poison food and water supplies.
Nnanoweapons: insect sized robots more dangerous than nukes
Credit; Getty Images
On Del Monte’s book, "Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat To Humanity", argues that governments already been engaged in an arms race – which will become the deadliest ever known.
He describes these weapons ranging from small, self-propelling bombs which could destroy buildings down to insect sized drones.
He also writes, "The events that most people consider likely to cause humanity’s extinction, such as a large asteroid impact or a super-volcanic eruption, actually have a relatively low probability of occurring, in the order of one in 50,000 or less."










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