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Drug Spice: Turning people into ‘zombies’ like state

Men and women in a comatose state are believed to be victims of a dangerous new strand of the former ‘legal high’, which combines a mixture of herbs and potent chemicals.
Drug Spice: Turning people into ‘zombies’ like state

A bus driver, Gavin Rodda, took the images at Wrexham bus station in Manchester last week, where he described the people like something out of the horror series ‘The Walking Dead’.
Spice epidemic
People pictured passed out in the street (Picture: Gavin Rodda)
Spice epidemic (Gavin Rodda)
Others have been spotted at Wrexham Bus Station (Picture: Gavin Rodda)
Spice epidemic (Gavin Rodda)
People are believed to be taking a dangerous stand of the drug (Picture: Gavin Rodda)
‘They are clearly not in control of their body while under the influence of this drug and they are within a few steps of moving buses in a busy bus station which sees around 11,000 people pass through it each day’, he told The Telegraph.
The 27-year-old said he started noticing an increase in drug users hanging around the bus station two years ago, while Spice was still legal.
Earlier this week shocking pictures emerged of people passed out in the street after allegedly taking the drug.
A blanket ban was imposed on all legal highs in Britain, May last year. This included Black Mamba which has similar side effects to Spice.
Senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Manchester, Robert Ralphs, told Mail Online that the drugs have the ‘physically addictive qualities of heroin and the psychologically addictive qualities of crack.’
Spice epidemic (Gavin Rodda)
Photographer Gavin Rodda said it is like something out of ‘The Walking Dead’ (Picture: Gavin Rodda)
Spice epidemic (Gavin Rodda)
Legal highs were banned last May (Picture: Gavin Rodda)
F.A.O. FEATURES - Spice Drug Zombie users Manchester. Pictured is a spice drug user standing motionless appearing frozen after smoking the drug outside a McDonalds on the streets of Manchester.
People in Manchester are still obtaining the former ‘legal high’ (Picture: Kelvin Media)
Spice and Black Mamba is described as a ‘crumbly, green mix’ that can be smoked or made into a tea.
Former user, Carl, told Mail Online he became addicted after buying a packet from a shop selling legal highs.
He said: ‘It’s awful to come off it — you rattle. I’ve tried to get off it, but it’s harder than gear [heroin].
‘I smoke this because it’s better for me than injecting with needles — better for my health.’
Police are said to be patrolling the streets at night looking for potential users.
Video footage emerged yesterday allegedly showing a prisoner getting high in his cell at HMP Buckley Hall in Rochdale by smoking Spice through a makeshift pipe.
new strain of the drug Spice is turning Manchester's homeless people into 'the walking dead'.nnA man and women down the side the Debenhams ManchesternnVincent Cole 05 March 2017
Just a few days ago people were pictured in a comatose state (Picture: MEN)
new strain of the drug Spice is turning Manchester's homeless people into 'the walking dead'.nnA man and women down the side the Debenhams ManchesternnVincent Cole 05 March 2017
The drug can be as addictive as crack (Picture: MEN)

More about Spice

Packet of the drug Spice
Spice is a synthetic drug that could be legally bought in shops or online until May last year.
They give users the same artificial rush of endorphins as illegal drugs like ecstasy.
Black Mamba is a variation of Spice, which has similar effects to natural cannabis. But it is far more potent, reacting strongly with the brain’s receptors.
Long term use can increase the risk of developing a mental illness.

Source: http://metro.co.uk/2017/03/11/shocking-images-show-people-turning-into-zombies-after-taking-drug-spice-6502676/#mv-b 
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