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Donald Trump’s official inauguration poster has a glaring typo

Among the other members of his cabinet, the 45th President of the United States of America should seriously consider getting himself a proof-reader and/or editor. And a competent one at that. Because the series of spelling gaffes this administration and its leader have been committing is downright appalling. Around a fortnight back, we called it hilarious, but we do believe the water’s gone way above the humour mark.

Not only does Donald Trump ever so often tweet with several typos and grammar mistakes, but the fact that official releases should be circulated with as many as over so many mistakes is valid reason to take a leaf out of Queen Elizabeth II’s book, who just posted a job listing for a social media manager (salary £30,000, in case you were wondering, plus perks and medical), and issue a job vacancy for someone to look through all documents and tweets.
The print of Trump’s official inauguration portrait – which just went up for sale – had this glaring typo: “No dream is too big, no challenge is to great. Nothing we want for the future is beyond our reach,” the quote says, misspelling ‘too’ as ‘to’. Well, it seems the challenge to get their English grammar and spellings right every time is proving to be too challenging for the Trump administration.
Social media users were quick to catch the error and print was soon removed from the Library of Congress’s website, which usually sells the posters.
Take a look at what Twitterati had to say:










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