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With just three bombs — North Korea could destroy the world

Alejandro Cao de Benós on North Korea’s military threat, political activist , said: ‘No-one is going to touch Korea.’
With just three bombs — North Korea could destroy the world

He is an honorary special delegate for the DRPK’s Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, added: ‘If it is touched the people will defend it with guns and missiles. We have the thermonuclear bomb.
‘With three of those the world is finished.’
Cao de Benós is the first westerner to be granted North Korean citizenship and spends his time between Pyongyang and his Spanish hometown of Tarrogona.
And also described the secretive communist state as a utopia, saying: ‘The people have a basic, secure life with dignity.
‘They live in a very peaceful way, there is no social conflict, we don’t have people sleeping in the street… it’s another way of life, one in which we all work in a huge cooperative movement.’
With the declaration of force comes after Kim Jong-un’s government issued a statement threatening ‘nuclear war’ against the United States if it is attacked.
Foreign Ministry spokesman said: ‘The DPRK will react to a total war with an all-out war, a nuclear war with nuclear strikes of its own and surely win a victory in the death-defying struggle against the US imperialists.’
He also accused the United States and the Trump administration for the recent spike in tensions, and said that officials are ‘seeking to bring nuclear aircraft carrier strike groups one after another to the waters of the Korean peninsula.’
His message is one of three delivered yesterday, which echoed the message delivered by a top official at the massive ‘Day of the Sun’ military parade in Pyongyang earlier this month.
North Korea has reportedly resumed work at its nuclear test site in Punggye-ri, according to the New York Times.










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