Oxford University professor said that there might be multiple health benefits to opening a window, it includes reduction in the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
Ashley Grossman spoke this week in response to a Dutch study which suggested a link between global warming and diabetes.
The University of Maastricht study also suggested that a one-degree centigrade rise in temperature could lead to 100,000 new cases in the USA alone. Grossman also said earlier this year that being cooler at night could turn ‘bad’ white fat into ‘good’ brown fat – which burns off calories and generates heat.
Professor said, ‘We are now learning that when you are cold you brown your fat, to keep warm. So rather than take all these drugs or having to eat less Cheerios or whatever, the ideal solution seems to me, that when you go to bed tonight throw all the windows open, put any air conditioning on and hey, you lose weight.
He said this week, ‘“There is some rather encouraging evidence that cooling the body, even by a few degrees, may improve or reduce diabetes.
‘Living in a cool environment may be useful to increase insulin sensitivity and ward off diabetes. ‘Together with work indicating that adequate sleep can also help avoid obesity and diabetes, maybe we should all aim have a good night’s sleep in a cool bedroom with the windows open to the night breeze.’
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