Paola Saulino, 27,pledged to give blow jobs to every ‘No’ voter in an Italian referendum.
Despite suffering from ‘jaw ache’ Naples-based Saulino pledged to keep her promise.
More than 19,000,000 voted on the same side as her – she keeps up to date with her fans sharing images on Instagram where she is followed by thousands.
She has now expressed interest in meeting a man famous for having a bionic penis.
The Italian loves to share posts to thousands of fans on Instagram (Picture: Paola Saulino)
Mohammed Abad, 44, had his genitals torn off in an accident as a child.
He was fitted with a £70,000 eight inch prosthetic penis in 2012.
He later lost his virginity to a sex worker.
Speaking to Daily Star Online, Saulino said: ‘I think it would be great if I could put my skills to use on him.
Adding: ‘I have never seen a bionic penis before. Maybe it will be bigger and better than a normal penis.
The man had a £70,000 penis fitted (Picture: Barcroft)
Abad’s bionic penis becomes erect when he presses a button in his testicles and it fills with liquid stored in his stomach.
Abad was previously married but left by his partner when they could not have children.
Unsurprisingly, he said he’d be willing to meet her.
Mohammed Abad, 44, has had plenty of offers for sex (Picture: Barcroft)
‘I don’t say no to anything. If there comes a time I would not say no to it.’
Saulino has ‘volunteered’ her oral services to 400 voters who rejectedreducing the number of MPs, limiting the operating costs of the institutions and giving greater power to the PM amongst other measures.
Meanwhile Abad has his own problems. He previously complained that he was ‘too tired‘ to have sex.
He says the long-hours that come with working as a security guard, mean he would not be rushing back to the bedroom with another woman.
Saulino currently plans to bring her Pompa Tour to the UK if enough ‘smart’ voters in last year’s referendum want her to come.
Initially the Pompa Tour captured headlines with a 10-date jaunt followed by a second 12-date journey through Italy.
Saulino was very public in her anti-Renzi campaigning (Picture: Paola Saulino)
She ignored calls from many in Europe that said voting ‘No’ would threaten stability in the region.
The crushing defeat of the Prime Minister Renzi led to his resignation and shocked the money markets.
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