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Man who thinks he’s a werewolf stabbed mother to death

Sheaene Smith, 29, is alleged to have confessed to police that he killed his mother after making a rambling call to emergency services on Sunday..

Man who thinks he’s a werewolf stabbed mother to death

Officers who attended the property in Bellingham, Washington state, found the body of Aurora Buol-Smith, 57, and the 29-year-old in an upstairs bedroom, the Bellingham Herald reports.
They are said to have found wounds on Mrs Buol-Smith’s fingers and forearms where she tried to protect herself.
Bellingham Police are now waiting on autopsy results to see whether claims there was a ‘sexual motivation’ are true.
'I AM A WEREWOLF' Son admits to stabbing his mother to death and brands her a 'vampire' in chilling police confession (Google Street View)
Officers found the body of Aurora Buol-Smith, 57, in the property (Picture: Google Street View)
According to KIRO 7, police said he made numerous statements as to why he carried out the stabbing including a statement where he said his mother was a vampire and he was a werewolf.
According to police, Smith also told them he was addicted to crystal meth and that was the reason behind the ‘voices in his head’.
He has been arrested and charged with second degree murder on a $1 million (£820,000) bail.
Eric Richey, chief criminal deputy prosecutor, told a court on Monday: ‘The defendant admitted to police that he’s been using a lot of meth recently, which is the reason for the voices in his head.’
Source: http://metro.co.uk/2017/03/09/man-who-thinks-hes-a-werewolf-stabbed-vampire-mother-to-death-6498021/





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