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International Women’s Day 2017 – what it’s all about?

This year is all about standing up and being heard – something that is particularly topical with the result of the American election.
International Women’s Day 2017 – what it’s all about?

But it is also a day of reflection and celebration, when women highlight the achievements of their gender in politics, economics, science and more.
Here is everything you need to know about this year’s International Women’s Day, which started back in the early 1900s.

What is it?

International Women’s Day – or IWD – is a global day to celebrate women, unity, reflection, advocacy and action.
It is also about highlight female social, economic, cultural and political achievements and is a time to push for gender parity.
The date has been marked since the early 1990s and is not attributed to any one organisation or charity. Instead it is a combination of governments, charities, corporations, academic institutions and women’s networks that take part.
‘The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights,’ says world-renowned feminist, journalist and social and political activist Gloria Steinem.
The day is usually marked with a series of events including political rallies, business conferences, networking events, craft markets, fashion parades, theatrical performances and more. Even Google usually does its bit by doing a Google Doodle.

What is this year’s theme?

10th March 1973: Women taking part in a march to celebrate International Women's Day in London. The marchers are demanding abortion, contraception, trade union representation and an end to discrimination. (Photo by Michael Webb/Keystone/Getty Images)
Women taking part in a march to celebrate International Women’s Day in London in 1973 (Picture; Getty Images)
This year’s theme is #BeBoldForChange. This is a call for change to make the world a more ‘gender inclusive’ place.
It’s about getting women to actively take part in something to help make a difference.

What are people doing for the date?

American activist Angela Davis, shortly after she was fired from her post as philosophy professor at UCLA due to her membership of the Communist Party of America, 27th November 1969. (Photo by Lucas Mendes/Archive Photos/Getty Images)
American activist Angela Davis, shortly after she was fired from her post as philosophy professor at UCLA due to her membership of the Communist Party of America in 1969 (Picture: Getty Images)
Women all over the world are planning to go on strike on March 8, including eight renowned feminist activists.
Angela Davis, Linda Martin Alcoff, Cinzia Arruzza, Nancy Fraser, Barbara Ransby, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Rasmea Yousef Odeh and Tithi Bhattacharya will all take part in the strike calling out ‘leab-in feminism’ and ‘corporate feminism’.
According to the activists, this brand of feminism has ‘failed the overwhelming majority of us, who do not have access to individual self-promotion and advancement and whose conditions of life can be improved only through policies that defend social reproduction, secure reproductive justice and guarantee labor rights’.
Source: http://metro.co.uk/2017/03/08/its-international-womens-day-2017-today-heres-what-its-all-about-6440128/










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