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Hero waitress drags huge lizard out of restaurant by the tail

You expect to have to polish cutlery, carry three plates at once and deal with people sabotaging food for a free meal as part of the job description.

But at most restaurants, you won’t have to wrestle with a 180cm goanna lizard.
Samia Lily, 25, was ready when her destiny called.
She thought the animal was a dog at first when it appeared at the Mimosa Winery in New South Wales, Australia and started to approach a group of people dining.
As customers screamed in terror, Samia grabbed a chair to create a barricade between the lizard and their table.
Then she grabbed its tail with her bare hands and dragged it out of the restaurant, past a woman who had jumped onto her chair to get out of its path.
‘I looked at it and thought it was a dog at first,’ Samia told Bega District News.
‘Everyone was screaming, so I started screaming too.’
She said she had been unsure what to do and whether she should grab it, telling herself: ‘I know it’s bad, but it was getting close to customers’.
Afterward she said she wasn’t scared but felt ‘excited’.

Full story: http://metro.co.uk/2017/02/21/hero-waitress-drags-massive-lizard-out-of-restaurant-by-the-tail-6462557/










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