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China: the incredible vertical forests to combat pollution

Stick a load of trees in there. Throw trees at the issue. Plant enough trees to purify the air and save us all from an existence of teeny shriveled lungs and misery.

There’s just one difficulty with this brilliant solution: finding the space for giant forests.

When you’re in a city (where air pollution is at its worst), there’s not much space to create a woodland or any huge, wide-spanning parks. You know, because of all the offices, and apartment buildings, and shops.

So China’s come up with a pretty genius solution.

China's vertical forests (credit: Nanjing Project Stefano Boeri)

Instead of planting forests outwards and taking up loads of space, they’ll plant them upwards.

A group of architects have designed two magical buildings called the Nanjing Green Towers. These are described as Asia’s first vertical forests, and are essentially giant office towers covered in plants, green tanks, and balconies.

Around the outside of the buildings there will be 600 tall trees, 500 medium size trees, and 2500 cascading plants and shrubs, to create a tower of stunning greenery.

The towers’ creators explain that the vertical forest will regenerate biodiversity, provide 25kg of CO2 absorption each year, and produce around 60kg of oxygen per day. Which is pretty brilliant.

The taller tower, which will be 200 metres high, will host offices, a museum, a green architecture school, and a private club on the rooftop. Snazzy.

The smaller tower, which will be 108 metres high, will serve as a Hyatt hotel, with shops, a food market, restaurants, and a swimming pool on the rooftop. Also snazzy.

The towers’ creators explain that the vertical forest will regenerate biodiversity, provide 25kg of CO2 absorption each year, and produce around 60kg of oxygen per day. Which is pretty brilliant.

The taller tower, which will be 200 metres high, will host offices, a museum, a green architecture school, and a private club on the rooftop. Snazzy.

The smaller tower, which will be 108 metres high, will serve as a Hyatt hotel, with shops, a food market, restaurants, and a swimming pool on the rooftop. Also snazzy.

Source: http://metro.co.uk/2017/02/10/china-is-getting-magical-vertical-forests-to-combat-pollution-6439602/










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