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People are covering their entire body with black peel-off face masks

Desperate people were to smear their t-zones in tar-like gloop which they could pull off and examine for black heads.

People are covering their entire body with black peel-off face masks

But there’s more something so bloody satisfying about seeing all the crap from your skin laid out on a shiny surface. It feels so good, even though by ripping that top layer off, you’ve left your pores wide open to all kinds of pollutants and spot-inducing nasties.
Yet, one YouTuber has taken her love of peel-off face masks to the next level. By covering her entire body it in.

People are covering their entire body with black peel-off face masks
(Picture: Izabela Stress/YouTube)

She is Izabela Stress spent ages smearing the shiny black stuff all over her legs, arms, torso and face as part of a â€˜Full Body Peal Off Mask Challenge’. Why? Because, YouTube.

People are covering their entire body with black peel-off face masks
(Picture: Izabela Stress/YouTube)

She gave it a go anyway, and turned herself into a thing of nightmares. And her fiance helped out with covering those hard-to-reach places, sensuously caressing the backs of her legs and shoulders.
And it took some time. The edited video is 11 minutes long…but it’s strangely hypnotic. And it’s been viewed over 3.5 million times which proves that people will literally watch anything.

People are covering their entire body with black peel-off face masks
(Picture: Izabela Stress/YouTube)

And after all that painting, she then peels the body away like a sleeve.
Horrendous. But intriguing.
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