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Secret sex message hidden in Art Attack’s Talking Head?

But it turns out that the fondly-remembered ITV show might not have been nearly as innocent as it appears, and it’s all the fault of that darned Talking Head that used to pop up at key intervals.
Secret sex message hidden in Art Attack’s Talking Head?

Because rumour has it that the ever-popular character actually had the word ‘sex’ carved into his animated clay forehead – and none of us ever noticed.
Until now, that is:
Hang on, let’s just take a closer look at that:
Was there actually a rude hidden message in the Art Attack head?
Well, that’s us convinced (Picture: ITV)
OK, so that’s pretty strong evidence.

Of course there is a possibility that there’s nothing written in the Talking Head’s fringe at all and all of this is wild speculation.
Not that it’s stopped the Art Attack viewing masses from effectively realising that childhood (or at least the TV watching part of it) is now forever tainted:
The original Art Attack, fronted by Neil Buchanan, ran from 1990-2007 – with the presenter more recently opting for a music career as part of the heavy metal band Marseille.
Source: http://metro.co.uk/2017/03/08/was-there-really-a-secret-sex-message-hidden-in-art-attacks-talking-head-6496632/










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