Watch Dogs 3 could be set in London
A new patch has extended the ending of Watch Dogs 2 long enough to imply a sequel, and that it might be set in Brixton.
Now here’s a strange thing: the latest patch for Watch Dogs 2 has added a few extra seconds of dialogue onto the end of the game, directly implying a sequel.
The end of the game involves a new video rant from Dedsec, but now after that there’s a brief audio conversation between two unnamed men. They discuss the rise of hacktivist groups around the world, specifically mentioning the Middle East and Europe.
While they’re talking onscreen coordinates are displayed, which point towards Brixton in London.
This all seems very similar to Portal, which also added an extra few seconds to its ending in order to segue better into its, originally unplanned, sequel.
Up until this point though it’s not been clear that Watch Dogs 2 is getting a sequel, as it sold much less than the original at launch. As Ubisoft recently revealed though, positive reviews and good word of mouth has seen sales stabilise in the months since release.
The game’s already outsold Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, and Ubisoft recently talked to investors about the ‘long term’ future of the franchise.
And while you might imagine that the new ending is just a teaser for the DLC, as far as anyone can tell that is still set in San Francisco…
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