Singles Awareness Day 2017: after Valentine’s Day?
Singles Awareness Day used to be on February 14 – until everyone with cognitive function realised that the acronym, SAD, was actually pretty humiliating for anyone who wanted to celebrate.
So the organisers came to their senses and cancelled the whole, ridiculous endeavour. Right?
Well, no. They moved it to the day after Valentine’s Day.
February 15 is now officially Singles Awareness Day and according to the people behind it, it is ‘the day that all of the single people can proudly stand up and show that it is OK to be single’.
Just in case they didn’t know they could do that already.
Of course it is ‘OK’ to be single. Just as it is ‘OK’ to own a dog, or like pasta, or have a heartbeat.
There’s no denying that Valentine’s Day can be unpleasant if you are involuntarily single.
I’ve been there – pretending to be engrossed in a documentary about jigsaws while my housemate went out for a romantic dinner.
I have also spent plenty of Valentine’s Days being happily single, and just as many in relationships.
In both instances, my favourite memories involves Thai food, not being on deadline and going on top before falling asleep with my make-up on; otherwise known as: Tuesday night. promotes SAD as a ‘break from the commercialism’ of Valentine’s Day, which would be admirable if they didn’t then encourage celebrants to ‘exchange gifts with your single friends’ in the very next sentence.
Valentine’s Day has no sentimental value. It’s a composite of some Roman and Christian traditions that are murky at best, and quite possibly involved sacrificing a goat.
But murky was good enough for big, corporate brands that realised they could use it to make love-sick snuggle-bunnies hand over their hard-earned cash.
Research by reveals that we spend an astounding £1.3billion on Valentine’s goodies each year across the UK, with an average increase of £1million year-on-year.
The way to counter such needless spending and general f***wittery is to ignore Valentine’s Day, or show your affection by taking the bins out.
It is not to make up another f***wit holiday 24 hours after the first one.
Singles Awareness Day doesn’t remove the stigma of being single – it highlights it, it compounds it.
And listening to Beyonce’s empowering trills until your ear drums burst doesn’t help.
Unfortunately, some people do feel stigma about being single.
It affects both men and women – particularly older women who perceive themselves as somehow diminished because they haven’t got a ring on their finger or a bun in their oven.
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