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End of the world in 2017 – earthquakes and dead bees prove it, Christians claim

The bad news is that the world is about to end in fire… as God comes back to kick the hell out of us – literally!

Christian fundamentalists from conspiracy site Signs of End Times claim that the signs are already here – with thousands of earth tremors detected this year.
Recent declines in bee populations are also somehow linked to the impending apocalypse, according to the site (and there we were thinking it was neonicotinoid pesticides!).
The site says, ‘Never has there been a time before when all these events were evident in so many diverse places and with such frequency and intensity.
‘Our generation is the first generation to fulfill all the biblical signs. Without doubt we are living in the final year.’
Elsewhere, the date is a little more vague, with the site saying, ‘So is the world going to end in the next couple of years? We cannot set dates, but from all the signs, we can know that the second coming is ‘at the door’.
‘We will be without excuse if that day of Christ’s return comes upon us like a thief in the night and catches us unaware.
‘We need to heed the signs and get ready.’
It’s rubbish, of course – as Matthew 24:36 in the Bible clearly states that predicting the time of apocalypse is a silly idea, saying, ‘About about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.’
Carl Olson, editor of Catholic World Repor said, ‘Date-setting is not an option. It could be many more centuries or millennia before Christ comes again – or it could be very soon.’

Source: http://metro.co.uk/2017/02/21/the-world-is-ending-in-2017-and-earthquakes-and-dead-bees-prove-it-christians-claim-6463395/










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