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Australia Beach invaded by hundreds of blue jellyfish

An army of jellyfish have taken over a beach in Australia.

That may sound like the plot to a B-Horror movie but it actually happened in Deception Bay, Brisbane.

Pictures taken over the weekend showed the blue blubber jellyfish (Catostylus mosaicus) covering the sand.

ut there was no need to be frightened.

The animals were not really invading and actually appeared as a result of a natural phenomenon known as a bloom.

‘Jellyfish bloom is part of their lifecycle and if the winds blow just right and if the water level falls with the tide, then they get stranded,’ Dr Lisa-Ann Gershwin, a marine biologist, said.

The bloom usually lasts a week before the tide comes in and takes the animals back into the water.

This is great news for everyone as it means the public won’t get stung and the jellyfish won’t die as a result of being out of the sea.

Dr Gershwin added: ‘I can honestly say it’s the most incredible stranding I’ve seen anywhere — and I’ve seen a lot of strandings … just gobsmacking.’

The blue blubber jellyfish can reach a size of 35cm across and are usually found in south-east Queensland.

Source: http://metro.co.uk/2017/02/03/entire-beach-invaded-by-hundreds-of-blue-jellyfish-in-australia-6425432/










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